General Commands

use these commands in the bot commands channel

!points - View how many points you currently have

!stats - Use to view old stats from the spiro map

/stats - View Stats

/map - shows a map with your location - you can do this in ⁠▏bot-commands

/voice - modify your voice channel settings ⁠▏bot-commands

/suggest - makes a post in our ⁠▏suggestions channel!

/unstuck - 2 minute cooldown. this command can take up to a minute to complete

/hunger X - X is a value you input from 0-30, cooldown is X in minutes

/drain - drains your hunger to 0 (no cooldown)

/slay - slays you (30 second delay)

/tp - you must be less than 50% growth to use/cost is displayed when you type /tp

/link - This is for linking your steam to discord, it command will give you a code to send in the isle game chat, you will then receive a message in bot commands letting you know if it worked. If you get a message that it didnt work or is already linked, or no message at all please make a ticket to get the issue resolved

!playtime- Shows you your hours on the server since the command has been created 2/18/24

Access Global Chat

press enter to open normal chat then press tab to cycle through spatial and global

Last updated